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Escaping markup

Full reference: Escaping
It’s possible to cancel all normal wiki processing in a specific text fragment. This is done in 3 ways:

  1. A single otken can be escaped if it’s prefixed with a tilde (~). Example: «this is not **bold text**» (without escaping: «this is not bold text»).
  2. If a part of line (or entire line) is wrapped in double quotes ("") no markup is processed there – works exactly as if a tilde was put before any token but is more convenient for large chunks of text. Example: "here you **will** see --no-- markup at all" (without escaping: "here you will see no markup at all").
    • You can stop "" from having any special role in the same manner you do with all other wiki tokens – by prefixing it with a tilde. For examples check the source code of this page (on the left).
  3. Using double percent signs (%%) you can convert a portion of text into a code block stopping any markup (and also typographic convertions) from being applied there. Unlike two previous ways this one is multiline. Single-line example: «code does **not** contain //wiki// markup» (without escaping: «code does not contain wiki markup»). Multiline example:
  No //markup//
  --here--, at **all**.

Note that tilde (~) and double quotes ("") mark the text they escape as raw text – this means that although no wiki markup is processed there other text rules are still applied. This differs escaping from a code block because the latter marks the text as completely unprocessed.
Compare the following examples:

  1. Check the — dash.
  2. Check the — dash.
  3. Check the -- dash.

Two dashes (--) are normally converted to typographic em-dash (—) when they appear in text – and you can see this happening in the first two examples. However, as 3rd example represents a code string rather than a line of text no convertion is done there and the text is output as-is.
