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Full reference: Footnotes
.(see) See also Examples.

To define a footnote Links’ syntax is used: footnote text is wrapped into ((* (note the asterisk) and )). If you put this on a separate line you’ll get a block footnote that may contain any complex markup including more footnotes, Quotes, Headings and so on, otherwise an inline footnote is created (it may still contain inline markup – Basic tokens, Links, etc.).

Depending on your settings inline footnotes can be shown either as a tooltip under [?] (customizable), shown directly in text inside parenthesis or behave exactly as block footnotes shown after the paragraph where they were defined.

To refer to a footnote you use the same syntax but suuply no text, like this *. Both round and square brackets can be used*; spaces before brackets and after the asterisk are optional.

Foonote definition.

Second one.

You can define block fotnotes in any place of document after they were referred to but usually it’s more convenient to do so after one or several paragraphs they were meantioned in.

There are two types of referencing a footnote: «stack» and «ordinal». The first is used above: each footnote reference takes one following footnote definition off the stack. The second gives you 8 footnote slots that you can refer to any number of times, not just once. In this case you should repeat the asterisk several times to address that particular slot.
The last method is beneficial when you’re moving footnotes around or you have a large number of them and using «stacking» footnotes will be troublesome.

In either way you can only link to a footnote that hasn’t been defined yet – after this happens its «slot» is freed for another footnote to take this place.

For example, this a reference to footnote #2 * because ((*)) is used to access them in «stack» manner. And this is its definition:

Footnote number 2.

You can freely combine «stacking» and «ordinal» footnotes in one document – just do not use another reference method until all foonotes have been defined, otherwise their references will get messed up.

Of course, since inline footnotes are defined and referred to in the same place there’s no such problem with them.

Check the Examples for better understanding of the algorithm.
