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Full reference: Terms
Terms or definitions are all kinds of abbreviations, contractions, place names and other things you might want to attach a specific info text to. Terms are created by wrapping a piece of text into (? and ?) symbols. Term name is separated from its definition with a dual equality signs (==) or, if there is none, by a space (this makes it similar to defining Links and associative lists).

All occurrences of the same term (and in the same character case) in later text are replaced with the same info hint.

For example, here we define the acronym NASA. Here we say it again: NASA (not that it’s not the same as «nasa» or «Nasa»).

Or the opposite: laughing out loud. Say it again: laughing out loud – is hinted but Laughing Out Loud – not since it’s capitalized.

You can use terms in any place where inline markup is in effect – this includes link captions or headings. For example, here’s a link to FSU definition.

See also associative lists.
